So much inspiration

Recently my sister complained that she wanted to dress differently/update her wardrobe but she couldn't find anything to inspire her.
This is kind of my reply.

I find inspiration everywhere! I'm constantly obsessing over blogs, saving pics from Instagram, and even admiring friends of mine (like Cassie, above, who I think looks super sweet in purple tie-dye shorts and tied white blouse!).
Then of course there's music festivals, where the best of the daring and/or whimsical fashion is on display.
I am definitely caught up in the craze of flower crowns, retro bathers and brogues right now.
I also have been digging darker red lips (see pic 5) and, for some reason, sharks, which normally terrify me. Don't ask how sharks really influence my dressing sense. :\

Tell me, what inspires you?
Much love, 



  1. Bahhhhh this is beautiful! :) you are the best sister a girl could ask for. Thank you for this, it has inspired me a tonne. Love xo

    1. Yay ^_^ so glad to hear.
      YOU are the best sister, and a beautiful one at that. Hopefully you are finding awesome things to wear from your wardrobe again, or otherwise inspired to sell it all at a market stall and start again haha. xx


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