To market, to market

Karen and Joe, the friendly seafood stall guy at the Saturday morning market.

 Casual weekend attire.

Bowie wanting to bounce all over my legs as soon as I try to take a pic.

Hey guys,

Today was pretty awesome so I feel like sharing.

My English friend Karen had a rare Saturday off work, so I showed her both the Margaret River Lions Shed sale and the Farmer's Market. Not surprisingly, she loved them! :)

While enjoying the busy market and the morning sun, I took a heap of social pics for the paper.
One of the people I approached was a lovely man selling seafood. 
His stall was out of the way and didn't seem to be getting much attention, but Karen and I were keen to see what he had to offer.
He was so excited to be in a photo, that he trawled through his van to find his business card and a laminated piece of paper that displayed feedback from his past happy customers. Cute.
We chatted for a bit about Portugal, his home country, and then went to leave, but before we could he stopped us and said, "Wait, you have to take this with you!", and went back to his van.
He grabbed two jars of marinated octopus/prawns and told us they would be lovely just on their own.
We were so stoked! 
Such a friendly character, made me smile :).
I'll get back to you on what the octopus tastes like haha.

After browsing and tasting all the free samples, Karen and I just sat in the sun eating fresh apples and mam-mams (mandarins) until we had to take our jumpers off and find shade. 
That's right, winter is waning! Well, almost. We also went to the beach (in bathers and all - so hopeful!) but it wasn't warm enough to swim so we just lazed on the sand and looked at the plants that the community planted there a few weeks ago. 

Hope you had a super Saturday too, whatever you did!



  1. So how were the marinated sea creatures? :)

    1. ...I can't bring myself to try them :\
      Have you ever had octopus? It grosses me out! (But don't tell Joe, he honestly was the sweetest little man ever!). I like prawns so... I will fish them out and eat them haha.


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