I hate to relate the wonderful Angus Stone to a greasy Maccas burger, but I'm gonna stick with the above title because the only other thing I could think of was 'Stoned in Love' and hmm yeah, he's lightyears away from J.T as well.
"He said I am the devil boy, come with me and we'll make many storms"
Anyway, I'd like to introduce a small, appreciative photo collection of the man that is definitely going to be your future indie crush - or current one, if you've heard his voice before! - the talented and very bearded Angus from Angus and Julia Stone.
I happen to love his look as well as his voice - the seemingly effortless, character-filled shirts, the wildly scruffy locks. He's got that ruggedly handsome, free spirit thing going on. Do you agree?
Before you begin scrolling through, why don't you press play on the little music video below and you can look and listen at the same time :-) -
A friend of mine, Kellie, adores Angus & Julia Stone and she recently encouraged me to delve further into their music, beyond 'Just a Boy' and 'Big Jet Plane'.
Following this I haven't stopped listening to both the above 'Devil's Tears', and another kinda beautifully sad song, 'Draw Your Swords'. That one gives me shivers sometimes. Recommend you check it out if you don't know it, as well as a few of their albums! Angus also does his own stuff; he's got a solo album - Smoking Gun - released under the name "Lady of the Sunshine".
Hope you enjoy him/them as much as Kellie and I do!
If you're a fan already, I'd love to hear what your favourite song is, or what you love about the music...
Comment below!
Images sourced from Glamour Gypsy, Angus & Julia Stone Tumblr, and F-yeah Aus Boys.
Haha nooo worries :) thanks for coming by!
ReplyDeleteI may just be quietly in love.....
ReplyDeleteoh, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the title of this post. Grand Angus he is indeed.
ReplyDeleteHehe yessss ^_^ kinda spewing that he's dating Isabel Lucas (third pic), we don't have a chance hey!
DeleteThanks for your comment!
Back off, I've been in love with Angus for too many years for a pretty little thing like you too come in and swoop him up!
ReplyDeleteI just recently purchased their chord book even though I can't play guitar and havn't played piano for years. It was amazing and the way it came wrapped was so beautiful.. Unfortunately it came as a package with Landon's name on it so he ripped it open.. not his fault but I still cried a bit inside when I couldn't be the one to unwrap it. :( He was super cute and put it all back together nicely though!!
'For You' is probably one of my top favourites (they are all favourites so its just in the top of them). More than anything because of the story that I have in running in my mind every time i hear it. I just did some research and under the lyrics here: http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/3530822107858820816/ you can see what she told an audience in Perth. Apparently I have a slightly different view of events.. But that's what music is about right? Interpretation. haha. I also want to be a star in someones universe.
The song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eefVgc_qhxg
I have heaps of favourites of theirs though, Amanda and I saw them live AGES ago... maybe 2010?? and Julia sang a version of 'You're the one that I want' from Grease... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTbObag1r0I we were so close to the front, it was amazing.
So after re-reading this... maybe my crush is on Julia, which I kind of already knew!
Maybe I could just have them both in my living room playing music 24/7.... Yeah, that's what I want.
:) x
Oh and I thought I was so cool and found this new awesome artist once... then I started researching them.... "Lady of the Sunshine".
DeleteDon't worry, Kellie told me specifically to look up a song, "(song name) - Lady Sunshine" and I was madly scrolling on Youtube going, "This says NOTHING about Angus Stone?!?! Wtf, I can't find it. What is Lady Sunshine?!" :P.
And in response to your greater comment:
DeleteAw, I REALLY waited a while to get into them, didn't I? Skitzing that they played Big Day Out a few years back and I would've been there but been too busy seeing every other band. Or maybe it was one of the years I decided there was nobody worth going to see. :(
Haha I'm sure 1000030282309230 girls are in love with him :(. You're smart picking Julia then! And is she still looking for a lover? Hers left her I think - the drummer of her band - but that coulda been a while ago.
Grr I kind of dislike Isabel Lucas? She is a mere Home and Away star while he is just the sweetest and most amazing songwriter ever. Oh well as long as she knows that haha. I mean, I can't say I'M a home and away star so I guess she's got SOMETHING. :P
Oooh yeah! I could teach you a little piano? I'm not excellent though. Haha cute Landon.
Now I'm annoyed that I have to type this all fast and then start getting ready for work, because I want to watch those vids :( sulk. And read the lyrics.
Whoosh!!!! - me getting ready.
Thank you for your massive and lovely comment brightening up a rainy morning.
And aw, that interpretation - "It's quite cleary saying that he already knows she likes him, but she'll tell him again anyway, hoping he will be with her." makes me sad for her. <3
DeleteIs that pretty different to what you get from it?
I like that songs mean different things to different people (: especially when they can relate to them or the song tags itself to represent a particular time in their life.
It is a gorgeous song, thanks for bringing my attention to it more ^_^ I purposely put it on this morning when I was getting ready for work!
Then after that, some crazy techno shiz came on all liek BOOM BOOM LALALALALLALA :\
'You're the one that I want' - gave me chills when it started, wow. It is awesome too when it kicks off with the little instruments. I am officially jealous of you and Amanda for seeing this live haha. Oh well I expect they should be around for a while! Hey do you know Kellie Lord?? I'm pretty sure I have plans to see A&J with her, and you can come as well!!!! Whenever they come back to SA, ha.
I luuuuuurve Angus. Way more than Julia! And yes all their music is incredible, spesh the older stuff...but Just a Boy is such a good song haha one of my top 5...I also love Draw Your Swords. x
ReplyDeletePs. Narelle! How did you get your hands on their chord book? (: