Ni Hao, Knee Highs

Hey, just a quick outfit post.
Sorry if the image quality is less than brillo - I took them off my Chictopia account.

So these are my new kne- oh.... I guess they are actually meant to be called 'thigh high' socks, which ruins my post title, damn! Oh well :P the point is, I like these socks and I was excited to receive them in the mail despite them just being plain and black, because they were cheeeeappp!

End of story.

Hope you are cruising along sweetly, and we shall have more one way convos very soon (UNLESS you feel like commenting on my blog then it will surely be a proper conversation :) ).



  1. Great socks, whatever you want to call them.

  2. Haha, thank you! I'm thinking they'll be perfect for winter but right now it's so hot that wearing them is silly. =}


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